It has now been 69 days since I last ran in an obstacle course race. SIXTY-NINE LONG DAYS. Yes, I have run races every week since then, but there have been no obstacles, no mud, and so much less fun. Is there anybody out there that struggles with OCR withdrawal like I do? Have you run in a 5k through a trail, wondering why we don't go into the woods? Have you gone for a bridge run to practice hills, only to end up running while balancing on the concrete barriers that are there to protect you from traffic? Do you find yourself extremely excited when you come across a playground because there are monkey bars to practice on, even though you look strange because you have no kids with you? If so, you may be suffering from OCR withdrawal like me.
I understand why there are no OCR's this time of year. It is winter. It is supposed to be cold, so nobody wants to jump in water or mud when it is freezing out. But I think it is harder for me to deal with it because I live in Florida and it has been in the 60's and 70's the last couple weeks. If I looked out of my window and could just see snow, maybe I would cope with the reality a little better. But when it is beautiful out, there is nothing more I would rather do than to push myself beyond exhaustion running, climbing, jumping, crawling, sliding, and swinging through an obstacle course. That, in itself,
makes some people think I'm crazy. The fact that I am sad when I haven't done one in a while probably makes them think I am even crazier. That's OK. They are the ones missing out on these amazing experiences.
The good news? My withdrawal comes to an end soon! I am about to relapse and binge on OCR very soon. I don't need an intervention or rehab. I am going to get my OCR fix and I can't wait! Tomorrow, in fact, I run a race called the P.I.G. Race. It doesn't sound like much. We shall see. I hope to be pleasantly surprised. But at this point, I am road raced out. I need some obstacles in my life and I'll take what I can get. In the next couple months, I can look forward to Warrior Dash, Spartan, BattleFrog(s), Mud Endeavor(s), Dirty Foot, Savage Race, and Monster Challenges! Who else out there is so ready to end this OCR drought and get ready to see what you are made of? Watch out 2015! It is time to get dirty!